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Interview questions with successful business owner #1


a victorious a says Frank and actually interviewing Pretoria and ifyou can a three-time tell me a little about yourvisits where you do a little bit of an introduction and chef my name is Peter audio than she is it and say if they arrest inAnaheim Lakefield for 116 nutley you I saw thebusiness said Jennifer Sep 2008 tough time to begin or a good time tobegin depends how you look at it her cray cray call so you can so I was saying earlier you saidthe on for for businesses altogether and her firstbusiness as a bowling alley supporting out in theNorth Italy what it was that express I tell us a little bit about thatexpensive you was set 21 just past 21 yeah it was a good experience it said was the foundation of you begin torealize how tough it is to open a business ought to run a business yeah to make some money on it are at theoffice one right anybody cassette the business rightanybody come and up making some money it right okay whatwould you say the the reason you start your mainreasons three reasons they start your business three recent well I E I love what I dohave a passion for its and eventually one another fashion sowhatever business or whatever profession shoes eventually gonna see some resultsfor an extra money I love it right if you can make money somethingthat you love to do that they doesn't seem so such a passion that'swhy passion I like this get all the business right care what keeps you doing it likemy sense if keep the people happy mayor see it'salways a a rectifying to see people leaving with a happy smiling yeah he is it'ssomething good initiated what you do there so you knowother good reviews on Yelp and TripAdvisor at so what's your sees a retro more time Apache thatsrussians that's it I R Us right okay what I mean obviously are you were talking about whydo people start businesses dress like a marathon and the you know it's its hard and noweverybody finishes for what what do you think is the mainfactors why you've continued any have such good reviews and you always have good reviews too asfar as I know yes I'm shy at some once you can keepeverybody happy that not everybody you know foods pressin business when you deal with Pavlik I was a foolthis like us they'll drive it but let's def modelsdoesn't mean with what's good for you might be goodfor the client sometimes you have to listen at that so late so is that they were misled themost of its affiliates I have a lot of the videos the reasonprobably because i'm involved I miss six days a week and Sunday we areclosed seige they of so that's why like thosearrested seven get a real day off you have to be presence that's one ofthe key be present well how do you be presentthe RSS way they present while UCSB in the restaurants I mean I'mnot working on rush just on the grounds around at workit up to the people Press make sure you stay low usage applyto every crack most patch every table there is an ass that isbecause it's too type so being present greatest the physical being present as aconscious being present with 20 min use mean physical sick physical okay and okay conscious doesn't pay the bills crisisis a fair health okay physically being present okaydoesn't mean I may not be here conscious company is looking at pictureson the world ahead but you know you have to be a yeah sure things run it's mostly correctokay what we what are some things you do areto stay organized I mean well you have to prepare yourself I mean obviously the when things lookeasy because he is always a good organization behind yeah still got myself to time yourselflike in a music like running for two hoursget on a run too fast to begin with here pace yourself I okay basic basicokay what are some tips that you it gavegifts to to stay you know consistent organized and everyday things that you do thatreally help you make you maybe probably different everything else well I mean I don'tthink it makes me differently you just have to hope that we'll the strength just about every day freshyeah the my philosophy is that that saidyou're only as good as the next day special one get the public's alwaysproving yourself was going us whatever you did today the voice in yourday you settle it right like this by the way Friday everybuilder the web to catch the flight what youdon't right having you had times where it was hard and you just don't want towork and things like that course how do you know that situationjust snap out of it accounts work with that responsibilitymakeshift come to work like any responsible person businesssnuggle you can say an idea a don't feel like going to work today suchthing I mean you yourself to get where you are now UB School you've been to college I'msure what there's anyone there you want to study yeah did you now evidence that you are you went back tothe books in the UK 12 crisis that it yes that if they persist and consistent inthe things that you do makes you go ahead of the most other people camp how manyemployees here about 10 10 employees okay 10 points but youdon't see or think you get every delegate to your employees you can you can I do I do but a me deploys a vague that you need themto make that to make a success doubts but the same time you need to bepresent just like ship the knockout yeah that yeah sometimes they don't do what it's supposed to dobecause like you said they don't feel like doing it and if you're not watching it will do itit's the simple wrestling it's human nature when they're was a time when the mice are what wasthat phrase a the cat is the idea that I saidLansing yeah along the line yeah yeah okay I'll what do you say is their biggestchallenge with this business andy is this joins us now cornelius okay you my biggest challenge one you knowonce you get the foundation use that allies then they just have two minutes the biggest challenge like to say theapt to my with the we'll have the strength and that's and to refresh yourself as a refresherself when you come to work bigger problems subside whatever theyare there business police personal uptake your problems towork if exactly thats everyone show promiseto work okay that's on at least me as a as a wholelast thing you want to seize a employers paying the promise to work what is your biggest what is yourbiggest issue with employees busy issue well I'm consider myselfpretty like a corset the it where they have for the biggest issuesometimes they don't show up to work you know it anyway being late Sen the they don't feel like working so theyfind excuses not to count one sick the you know but sometimes they asksometimes it's it's tough to find the peak right but rest find the people you canfind a lot of peeps offended by that I mean how do you find your people like%uh do you interview like was your interviewprocess and one interview process I mean obviously Italk to them nice all the best announced that they haveand company this is a business have to pick up the pieces to an easy smile and the yes a lot ofpatience yeah the the it with that bf like say ifsomebody comes off the Street what are some things that youdo to be able to tell if they're that good employer and I confess about thisbe the one of 11 applications but it works well kinda experience theyhave yeah and above most appalling expands comes with working I don't know how someone who doesn'thave a lot experience is good with people as you can train them for me being here presence all the time I can do thatcan't read them personally so you like people that are trainablethat can sauce but people there our hair again for so it's they won't go along with me because itwas kind of tough house if West for especially because thepublic crack what is your man it was your style managing how do you manage you like whatdo you prefer like strictly near like what's your bestway if managing people Libya both you have twomillion when you need to be and you have to be stricken outsomething at the Pantages present time like to see everyone like family president such but the same time youknow you wanna keep 7 this a certain distance okay this isyou know we all respect yeah place ray so he can be 25 toofriendly for friendly yes to something friend thepeople in the stands when it's time to work it works thanksto joke with Joe distance okay can you explainthis sense in another way like quitting in protest in Psych like you couldn't explain this to me in this is in a way that you love you needto have respect for each other is it the need to be the space between you andyour employer other its comes that respect obviouslyand someone makes a travel their me youcannot 38 want to come to work they have to getsome girls yeah those to be update yes Manchesterdistrict for them to obey the rules now okay from an employee perspective and I'm comingto work for you they a RBC is hot hard economy never retire but if you found somebodythey're super exceptional would you hire them if that you thought they were veryexceptional a as an employee if I needed yes here force SCA it's actually beenneeding enough don't want to change stuff days I was allowed to keep people what Ihave so you give people chances but of coursetheir least you have to keep now its prospectus but obviously strongthe DC I mean we all units will make mistakesyear same time you want them to i mean they still lost didn't stale they do what they need todo is a generous take fixture jump stick we all know I make mistakeshere here you have to really me have beenhere for five years and I out Champix busboys maybe so pretty consistent the ecosystem mystuffs is been here for a long time yeah butfamily so russians now a income was about to ask you likehow much you make great like that but happy you own a restaurant the is it you know up and down or is itpretty consistent like people think have this preconceptionthat business is up and out is that true do you think worst this yeah Sep events was up and down because it's like us:there's a lot of things happening around you schoolstandouts vacation games on TV depends where you what area but overall you know I its basic be the closest subscribecourse is gonna go up and down but you know buttons it online at theend of the year do do a lot of marketing at allmarketing just what about that's good so the best yeah Damascus the way I look I'm it's asmall place if I had to say and the City restaurantsyes over the summer being only 670 people we have a great baseclientele and the day get it done right will telldifference yeah that's the best that the you canget very true very true so you never younever do any other other advertisement like I have done it to the game yeah like what happened advertisereverything but the beginning and that the name that was the same but he wasn't babies easily get the budget it seems that click on that same this a couple otherit's a something through rest on the compcoupons things like that but I am no I'm not a big believer in the statuteyeah I deleted everybody right and ok just tell the difference okay her okay what are some things you done togrow what I call were have you ever listen toJim Rohn anything like that temp Tony Robbinsafterwards too many hours for those I kit a what's the main contributing factor toyour success the main factor like the reason why by her successful really pinpointing onereason I'm saying nothing in either just a good food goodservice with Auntie Anne's be consistent me like a is like the carter give you the rightingredients to make it this right I just to come up with too much but girlso much Martinez make it but not any the rightingredients yes to bounce beautiful gratification the people up front the second can betoo strict can be 28 gotta be exactly and the bigger there obviouslyis there a lot of common sense and get like that they're putting beensold yes the sequence how long have you had youremployees like 45 years he said yes 5 some more than five some fun something do you have any communication tipscommunication tapes now it's sad you think you willobviously I spend more time with them about their own families and the same here an hour stand 12-15 hoursa day communication tapes at me you hit up to them and that there is aproblem you try to make them in sounds try tosolve the problem and at the beginning that for example they used to do somedishes which I wasn't very happy with it one on my way so K tonight got the samething a sit-down needed to get and then I would ask them if you pay for thedollar for the dish very good grief yeah such a pace that isall about that the seven or so why not by the Knights too much why is it somuch what they said what's missing so that's one way to make them realize there you know they have to set up shedid it wrong you it bring them to the process ofwhite pit there in the sand with the try to understand the up to see thesolution is what they want to do the right thing just have to show them writer and at the end of the day I don't really paythem it's the client's as a place they are not they'll and the other onedamian pay them but I always tell them the buffet thatme buffet the food comes back but the and the other one paying youryour check and mine I me that just passing through my handsbut the other one thank you the Sony understand thats thebetter you gonna be yeah any job straight this is great are okay for what is something we're talking earlier about keeping ofstaying fresh think fresh I any any specific tips that you know day to to to keep it fresh keep a freshthat the refrigeration and refrigeration the refrigeratorcounterfeiter air there is a while the refrigerator aand not over by product is there a specificthing you do every single day like like a specific thing they do everyday that is are the things that makes outeverything was service every day it was a sausage today for the day we do especially thesauce and you have a system where you just do it every single day and every single day or every two days themost whereas we never do too much okay last question I askquestion are when you consider the restaurant business becauseobviously people not succeeded a as much as you have in the end the passfor 45 years I mean I'm so Sam successful let me knowI'm staying in business I guess that's a success already nowadays have a home or your hair okay a but a at were is is business restaurant is is itworth it in your opinion obvious just on my opinion if you don't know the business stay withit for as my advice its course it's if you look at it you make these wageyeah make that money as an investor it's tough as investors invest if it's just aninvestor fun in a restaurant it's tough yes what he say that wow you know it causalare rushing to close down what you think is that now butmanagement it feel to buy get them by good enoughtoo much waste yeah arrest in business you don't makemoney you make money at home that being cautious been then again example from a loaf ofbread you'll make money on the bread you makemammograms have to be kept wastage the that's what's a good analogy ago profitthis season that's a really good analogy LSU wasteof course you feel so is the same threat to the same he left the fieldmore or less the same wage you have to pay them it so muchless the same amount can be a little more arouse this housebut no thats those have a stable to you consider yourself you'll be inthis business for long on Morel much longer yes I said I so enjoy what I do yeah think sothat's our secret as doing what you do yes enjoy whichwhere you have to like which will you can be lazy that's for sure can be lazy delays hey Forster to worker forced to work butyou have to do what's up with him to suggest you have any their children kids I do a 50-year-oldyeah 30% off that's it okay and be in the restaurant business how isthat is a conducive to morning children a way the cities thatare silent children and now it's a reason I for the small restaurants work withother family life was it becomes a big questions becomes almost like a freezein with Windows yeah i close on Sunday for that was at San this family day very we savemoney awakened yeah that's great it's a goodplace to be when you can say that yeah especially in this business atLeicester have your own thing as every other Frifreer fear is its your son at Dollar paradise okayit's better for your daughter because you have the freedom and then also you can make much morethan if you're just working for somebody else you can make much more of course ifyou're around things properly yeah I mean a good youcan make that my if you look for someone else defenseindicating already feel I I worked for other russians and yourmake that money there as a manager where the manager academic arm and responsibility longhours the fates or are okay depends what what you're lookingfor as an employee thinking they were at work in a restaurant or you tell somebody that's thinkingabout the joining a restaurant as thing about it but their employees at themoment and that's it nothing about what youtell them they would you would you give them any advice with youwhile if they want to open a restaurant year is that your question their kind ofthinking about opening of the you need to find the right people makeit work find the right people we gonna that's the not now castarriving at the white people and obviously I would always say staffs small dawn south to take before you start running a slim afterwork perfect businesses the seven out alright thank you again just what's your your business name and then wherethey can find you online at the them for the rest and again bachi means cases it's a Canyon I and food of course get dresses 41 16 not Lakefield cell phone number 714 to 82 22 20 but they can check the website budgingAnaheim Ducks thank you thank you for listening and Oprah.

The post Interview questions with successful business owner #1 appeared first on APNS Education News.

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